Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A "Drop Everything" Moment

On Friday, I received a phone call from my sister telling me that my mom was in the hospital. She had fell and fractured her hip. I live in Santa Rosa, CA and the minute I heard the news I drop everything I was doing and headed off to Orange County which was an 8 hour drive. I never felt the way I felt that day; scared, nervous, anxious. My mom was heading into surgery around the 6th hour of my drive. I kept praying that she would be ok. I finally reached her hospital around noon. She was alright, Thank God, but she was still in much pain. I had brought her one of my Tri-Peace Crane to brighten up her hospital room, she was very happy. I spent 2 nights in Orange County before I had to head back up north today to go to work tommorow. During my time there I felt like my family was whole again and we were all together wishing my mom better health. She's doing better, but the doctor said she would have to walk with a stick for 3 months and then come back to see if everything has healed and even after that every 5 years she would have to come in again for surgery to replace the 3 screws the put in her. It's such a scary event for everyone, having to know you have to go into surgery again and again. It's just so dramatic. Now all I'm thinking is that I have to succeed in my career and make a living that can allow my mom to live comfortably. I love crafting and I'm interested in anything that deals with real estate. One day, I want to open a store that is filled with cute hand-made items from around the world and each crafter would be recognized in my store. Someday soon I hope I can put together the two things I love doing the most and make a good living from it, someday...

1 comment:

thienthanh - bibi creation said...

hey girl!~ how's everything going? =D I'm dead tired lol. I hate my Bio class so much but couldn't do a thing about it geez. well yah I'm barely making a C so I'm trying not to fail now lol. another lab test is coming next week already. I need to study/review terms and graphs for 5 freaking chapters hichic.
ttyl. post more item in shop nyny!~